What to do When your Facebook Account is Hacked

Last Friday, at 7:30am, I recieved a frantic call from a client. Her Facebook account had been hacked. Talk about a wake up call!

This was and still is really terrible.

The “cyber criminals” had infiltrated her Facebook profile, and then changed the email address on the account and the password. Once they had access to the account, they then sent out emails to everyone asking for money. This is known as phishing and Facebook has named it the “419scam”. First they hack your account and then they disquise themselves as you and chat with your friends and send out the emails. Western Union has posted a warning about the scam on their website, and they continue to educate their employees on this and other scams.

I immediately posted the scam from my personal profile page on Facebook, on Twitter and various other sources.

Once we realized what had happened, I sent Facebook an email regarding her behalf. There are steps that Facebook sent both of us to follow, but since her Facebook account now has a new email address and password, we are not able to access the account to make the changes. It is frustrating, to say the least.

What has happened since last Friday is:
1. The account is now locked and there is no more activity on the account.
2. Contacted Yahoo, but to no avail 
3. Contacted Facebook again on behalf of my client
4. Changed passwords on other accounts and recommend you do the same

If you think your account or a friend’s account had been hacked, go immediately to Facebook’s Help Center.

Step-by-step to updating fans on Facebook

This is a very easy, but important tool to use when using Facebook as a marketing tool. Not only should you regularily post updates to your fan page, but also send updates to your fans. The updates can be an extended version of your status updates. This has a two-fold outcome.

  1. It allows you to keep your fans abreast of news other than through the newsfeed
  2. Any unread updates will also show up on their profile on the top right corner

This allows others to see the updates as well and perhaps become a fan of your page.

Here are the easy instructions on how to do this…..

  1. Go to your fan page
  2. Click on “edit page”
  3. On the left-hand side you will see a number of administrative tasks
  4. Click on “Marketing”

This will then open another task page in which you can choose to market your page.


5. Click on “Send an Update”.

Once you have done that, it is up to you if you would like to target a specific audience or share it will all of your fans.


The 5 Dangerous Realities of Social Media for Business

The Crossroads: Social or Media?

As social networking has soared to become the largest voluntary behavior this side of teeth brushing, the money guys have shown up on the scene – right on cue. By all accounts, social media is a gold rush, with companies and consultants of all sizes and descriptions jockeying for a piece of a pie estimated to be $1.6 billion in the U.S. alone.

So we’re faced with a dilemma: do we want to focus on the social, or focus on the media? By my reckoning, from a business perspective we’re tilting toward the latter.

Thus, I’ve identified the 5 Dangerous Realities of Social Media for Business.

1. We’re Strategizing Wrong

Every time I hear the words “twitter strategy” I want to smack someone in the head. By definition, Twitter is not a strategy. It is a tactic, to be incorporated into a much broader social media strategy that in turn serves the overall company objectives.

We have to stop wrapping ourselves around the axle about the tools. They will change. They always do. How’s your Second Life Strategy working out?

The key is to develop sound, tools-agnostic programs that focus on how your company can “be” social, not how it should “do” social.

2. We’re Integrating Wrong

Social media is an ingredient, not an entree. Adding social media frosting to the cake you already own should be first objective. And let’s stop putting the cool cart before the uncool horse. Why are you worrying about your Facebook page if your email program is inadequate?

Even in the best case scenario, social media marketing alone isn’t going to create legions of customers out of thin air. Especially because the majority of people that interact with companies on the social Web are already familiar with those companies. Social participation is almost entirely opt-in. Thus, you are mostly preaching to the choir. That doesn’t invalidate social media marketing, it just positions it largely as a loyalty, retention, and lead nurturing vehicle, rather than as a pile of magic beans.

Social media is the great tiebreaker in the sport of modern business.

3. We’re Executing Wrong

The difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but they are incredibly important letters. Recognize that you earn the right to promote in social media by being helpful first.

This necessitates that companies focus less on crafting cheeky and concise outbound bon mots, and focus more on responding to customers and prospects with speed and authenticity. Answer the social telephone first, and then worry about making cold calls.

There’s plenty of business out there on the social Web for companies to capitalize upon. But it doesn’t often come from firing off your 140-character press release every four hours. Instead, business comes from having your antenna up, and finding opportunities to inform, delight, educate, and entertain.

The Opportunity Economy is very real, but you have to embrace the paradoxical notion that social media results are often accrued over the long haul, as you engage with prospects and current customers a few at a time.

4. We’re Staffing Wrong

To have enough antenna up to find and capitalize on all of the real-time opportunities presented by the social Web (see this month’s nominees for NOW Revolutionary of the month for amazing case studies), you need to get many more people in your company involved socially.

It’s not just about marketing. It’s about social business design, baking social elements into the daily life of all corners of your organization. (Great post by Olivier Blanchard on the difference between these approaches).

In most companies today, social is a job. Somebody(ies) is the social media person, centralizing and managing listening, responding, analyzing and other tasks. That will change as companies recognize social’s importance and the need to have more antenna up than one person or a few people can provide.

You know what else used to be a job? Typing. Watch Mad Men. There was a whole room of women that just typed. Every day. But now, typing is a skill. History will repeat. Social media needs to be a skill, not a job.

5. We’re Measuring Wrong

Social is incredibly measurable. We showcase more than 25 viable success metrics in my book The NOW Revolution. But the problem is we’re too often focused on numbers that simply aggregate. They don’t measure behavior, or any type of financial reward.

Why do we do this? Why do we pay attention to things like Facebook fans and Twitter followers when they don’t measure behavior? We need to focus on activating people in social, not just collecting them. That means a newfound emphasis on calls to action, integrated metrics, correlation studies, and smart attribution.

Work Harder

As I look at the 5 Dangerous Realities of Social Media for Business, I see a common thread. All of these contemporary (and hopefully temporary) shortcomings – Strategy, Integration, Execution, Staffing, Measurement all have the same root cause.

Quite simply, we’re just not working hard enough at social. In every respect, doing it well is substantially more involved than doing it poorly. And for now many companies are either unwilling to make that level of commitment, or uncertain as to its payback potential.

Nobody promised social media would be easy, just that it would be awesome.

Are you ready to put the effort into making it about social, not media?

You can read the original post by Jay Baer’s blog Convince and Convert.

12 More Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on the New & Improved Facebook

Just when you start feeling comfortable with the latest round of changes to Facebook, along comes another series of new features that can throw you into a tailspin. Like me.

For example, I voluntarily converted to the new format rather than waiting until later this month when everyone will be forced to convert. But that places an ugly photo ribbon right at the top of my fan page.

That’s prime real estate, darn it! Most of the photo ribbons I’ve seen on other people’s pages include a series of five unrelated photos that show fan page owners posing with people they’ve met at events. The photos are usually poorly cropped, too dark, or so small that people looking at the page can’t identify who’s in the photo.

Nor do they care.

But I’ve figured out a way to manipulate that photo ribbon so I use it to promote my business and bring visitors to my website, blog, Twitter profile and even product pages–without being obnoxious.

You can check it out by going to http://www.facebook.com/SerenityVAServices

While you’re there, click on the Like button at the top of the page. Then click on each of the five photos and see what happens.

Knowing how to use the photo ribbon to help your visitors and to promote–and understanding what you can do with all the other new Facebook features–will give you incredible power that you never knew you had.

Three years ago, when I was a guest on  the webinar “11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook,” with Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound and we  walked participants through Facebook and demonstrated how to use the site to attract friends and fans, join the conversation, find your target audience and make people love you.

But that was three years ago. So much has changed on Facebook that some of the strategies we recommended back then can actually waste hours of your precious time due to the numerous changes on Facebook.

I’ve fielded so many questions about Facebook’s new look and navigation that Joan and I are hosting a webinar at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, March 15. It’s called “12 More Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on the New & Improved Facebook.”

If you participated three years ago, or you’re confused by any aspect of Facebook, you owe it to yourself to take this crash course to learn about the new tools and how to use them to promote your expertise.

We’re even going to be sharing a cool new tool I discovered that will help you find other people’s fan pages where you can post helpful content to their walls, talk directly to their thousands of fans, and get a link back to your own fan page–without spamming.

Register here, even if the time is inconvenient for you because I’m recording it, and Joan will send you the replay link and all the handouts.

Spank the dog, The Publicity Hound that is

It’s Joan Stewart’s a.k.a The Publicity Hounds birthday and she is blowing out 59 candles on the cake.

There’s an old tradition that says the birthday person should get a birthday spanking–one light pat on the behind for every year. But at 59, she won’t let that happen.

So here’s another way to make her cry.

Clean out her inventory and slash 59 percent off the total price of your order. If you’ve been putting off buying CDs, transcripts, ebooks or special reports, now is the time to grab ’em.

Go to her website at The Publicity Hound and look around.

Important: You must enter the numeral 59 into the promo code box at check-out and then click on “Apply.” And you must order by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow night, Feb. 4. This applies to products only, not the mentor program or other services.

P. S. She is cleaning out her inventory in the next few weeks and eliminating old titles. So if you see something you want, grab it now before it’s gone. Or kick yourself later.

What to Blog About – Some Helpful Topics

Having trouble with developing interesting blog content? Does it seem that you are seeing the same old “stuff” about your industry in all of the posts? Sometimes it can be a real challenge finding interesting subject matter. In his most  recent blog , Nick Stamoulis of Brick Marketing offers some topics you business blogging.

Here are a few of his tips:

Company News: It pretty much goes without saying that if you or your company has been mentioned in an article or at an event;  put it in your blog/. Don’t forget to post to your social media sites

Lists: Search engines seem to really like lists. Create some innovative lists that your readers can easily relate to.

Product Reviews: Pick some interesting and/or unique products and write a review about them. Hint: Maybe you can get some input from your social media connections.

Photos: If you’re bogged down grab some photos of friend and colleagues (maybe the FedEx guy) or something humorous or ironic.

How-To-Guides: Share some helpful tips that you have learned and share them. Everybody loves free information.

Industry Rants: Tasteful rants can be the source of many interesting rants. Be professional, but remember ” Hey it’s your blog”. If the subject is something that many others can relate to. you could be surprised with the responses and feedback.

How-To-Guides: Try writing a variety a different posts where you industry can learn and better their jobs or careers. Everyone loves free information.

These are just a few topics for Mike’s article. If you would like to read the entire article, you may find it at Blog Writing Topics to Use.

We are always here at Serenity VA Services to assist with your social media marketing projects and strategy.

Happy Blogging

My Gift to you via The Publicity Hound

It’s time for Joan Stewart’s annual Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s gift to you.

“The Best of The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2010” includes the best 25 tips from this year’s newsletter, or tips that generated the most response from readers.

Feel free to re-gift it to your own blog readers, newsletter subscribers, clients, customers, Twitter followers, Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections. They don’t even need to opt-in with an email address. Just pass along this link: http://Ez.com/bestof2010

If you work at a company, share it with your PR department. If you work for a nonprofit, show it to your staff and even your board members.

This version is chock full of tips for both traditional and social media, with a heavier emphasis on social media. It includes:

–The 4 big advantages of creating a Google profile, and what you’re missing if you don’t have one.

–5 clever places to meet journalists. Ninety-nine out of 100 other publicity-seekers aren’t bothering with this.

–Where to find a handy, organized, color-coded social media cheat sheet that will help you understand how various major social media sites can help you.

–How to create a sizzling headline for an article or blog post within seconds (this is a fabulous free tool that my readers loved!).

–5 things that could put your security in jeopardy on Facebook.

–How to catch CNN’s attention and possibly end up in one of their stories.

–How to earn a Badge of Honor on LinkedIn and impress people who read your profile page.

–3 easy ways to prompt recommendations from other people on LinkedIn without being pushy or feeling embarrassed.

–5 ways to encourage journalists to include your blog or website address in their stories (and make it look like it was their idea).

–8 ways you can become a victim of The Stealth Interview and be quoted by journalists even though you never talked to them.

You can get the ebook here, save it to your hard drive and then share it on the social networking sites: http://Ez.com/bestof2010

P.S. Re-gifting this ebook is entirely appropriate. Share this: http://Ez.com/bestof2010

ePub Makes It Easy to Publish on Amazon’s Kindle

I was asked by one of my clients to convert her ebooks into readable files on Amazon’s Kindle. I read tutorials on Amazon and searched Google for information on converting PDF files to publish on Kindle. Most of the tutorials were very good, but many were confusing as well.

Then I found this tool that makes converting the files easy and simple. It’s called PDFtoEPUB and they are currently running a promotion. The first 20,000 authors get free PDF to epub/Kindle conversion tool: http://www.pdftoepub.com/authorspromotion.asp.

I had spent a lot of time searching for an easy way in which to convert ebooks, transcripts and other documents to publish on Amazon.

What is really cool about this tool is that it is free (Limited time offer). You just download the software to your computer and you are all set.

I converted several ebooks (one was 500 pages) into readable and uploadable files into Kindle in about 30 minutes. The part that takes the longest is creating the seller account on Amazon.

Don’t waste a lot of time, try this tool and you will be convinced.

60+ Places Offline to Promote Your Product, Service, Cause, Issue or Event to Build the Buzz

Joan Stewart, aka, The Publicity Hound will be presenting a webinar on November, 23rd from 3-4:15 ET.

Overview: Don’t spend precious time worrying about how to promote what you’re selling. Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound, has done most of the planning for you. She’s come up with more than 60 creative ideas, including ways to involve participants weeks before an event, catch the attention of print and broadcast journalists, and encourage other people to promote your products, services or events for you.

Format: This is a webinar. You can watch it at your computer. You will also have a chance to ask questions. If you don’t want to ask questions, you can listen to the webinar on your phone..

This webinar is perfect for:

  • PR pros and publicists whose clients sell products and services, or host events
  • Authors who want to promote their books and author events
  • Virtual assistants who do PR for their clients
  • Speakers who promote classes, workshops, training events, seminars and boot camps
  • Nonprofits that host fund-raisers, from neighborhood activities to black-tie charity balls
  • Anyone who does PR for tourist attractions like museums, parks, festivals and sporting events
  • PR people who promote activities at schools, colleges and universities
  • Event and meeting planners
  • Corporate PR departments that promote their companies’ products and services.
  • Volunteer groups that help promote causes or issues
  • Party planners
  • Anyone who co-sponsors events

You will learn:

  • Fun ways to engage participants long before a product launch or event
  • Easy ways to target people in your own community who are in an ideal position to buy your product or service and encourage them to spread the word
  • 5 clever ideas that can help you brand your business as well as promote
  • A place that’s hungry for news about your tourist events, restaurants, nightlife and things to do in your community
  • 6 ways to catch the attention of motorists
  • How to enlist the help of other businesses in your community that are hosting events on the same day as yours
  • How to get free advertising space in your local newspaper
  • 6 ways to get free airtime on TV or radio shows
  • 4 tricks for encouraging TV and radio personalities to talk about your event on the air, for free
  • Inexpensive tchochkes that keep you in front of people in their homes or offices 365 days a year
  • How to promote at trade shows even if you can’t afford to buy a booth
  • How to enlist the help of mom and pop businesses in your community
  • How to encourage other organizations and experts to promote your events for you


You also get:

  • Handouts, which include all 60+ ideas I discussed during the webinar. It doubles as a cheat sheet that you can use when it’s time to promote
  • The PDF of the Power Power slides I used during the webinar—great for scanning or to do a quick review of what you’ve learned without having to review the entire video
  • The MP3 so you can listen on your iPod.
  • The MP4 video file that you can download.

The first 20 people who register get the free handout “13 Ways to Involve Journalists and Bloggers in Whatever You’re Promoting.”

Tips on what not to do when you are sick

As a virtual assistant I feel very responsible for working and fulfilling my clients needs. Almost, to the detriment of my health.

I recently had a bout this pneumonia. Now, it didn’t start out that way. I had a stuffy nose, some coughing and just general flu-like symptoms. So instead of going to bed and taking care of myself, I plopped myself down in front of the computer, daily, and carried on with the tasks at hand.

Not something I would recommend.

It is important as small business owners and sole proprietors that we are responsible to our clients needs, but there comes a point in which we can’t take care of their needs if we aren’t taking care of ours.

As an avid Facebook participant, I posted a comment about being sick for 4 weeks and the comments were basically, “if you are sick, go to bed”. So, I did.

Projects will be completed, tasks performed and to the satisfaction to your clients, but not when you are sick.

I made a few errors and I had to spend some time, correcting them….but the lesson I learned was that I would not have had to have done that, if I had just taken care of myself.

So, a tip for other VAs:

Take care of yourself, the business will still be there tomorrow! It may not be, if you are making errors that could have been avoided.