Amazon: A 24/7 Selling Machine

If you think is just a place to sell books, you’re leaving money on the table. It’s a 24/7 marketing machine, but only if you know its idiosyncrasies, its hidden tools and the sneaky strategies you can adopt to trounce your competitors. Part of the problem is at that Amazon does such a lousy job of training authors on how to use the site. Enter Penny Sansevieri, a book marketing expert and publicist who is responsible for her clients’ books flying out of Amazon’s door.

Penny promises to pull back the curtain and teach you how to:

Choose the right categories for your books…and why they’re not the most obvious categories you’d think of first

–Target Amazon’s book reviewers and why the top reviewers might not be the best match for your books

–Use Amazon as a lead generator

Make the most profit and build the most traction using inexpensive ebooks

–Understand why timing is everything on Amazon and how to know what to do, and when

–Know what you must do AFTER you capture the lead on Amazon

Join us this Thursday, May 9th at 5PM ET for the last and final one-hour webinar from “Social Media KISS (Keep It Simple & Serene) for Authors.”

Click here to register.


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