The #1 Press Release Writing Mistake

janetthaelerIf you write press releases and post them online,
are you making the #1 mistake that 9 out of 10 other
press release writers are making?

They aren’t using keywords within their releases. Keywords are the
same words people type into Google and the other search engines when
they’re searching for the answer to a problem, or they want to buy

Not using the right keywords–or any keywords–means consumers
might never find your press release. If journalists are using the
search engines to look for sources on a particular topic, or news
about your industry, they won’t find your press release, either.

Publicity expert Joan Stewart, whose tips I love, is hosting a
teleseminar on Wednesay, Oct. 21, that will cut through the often
confusing issues related to press release keywords. One lucky
person who registers for the call will win a f+ree press release,
written by Janet.

For details, go to to read more about
what you’ll learn and to register.

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