Serenity VA Tweets of the Week
3 Ways to Carve Out Time for Social Media

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.

5 Tricks to Keep Your Book Fans Coming Back to Your Facebook Page

How to Boost Engagement on Your LinkedIn Company Page
Here are five simple ways to boost engagement with your LinkedIn followers.

YouTube Verification Badges: So You Know That You’re You
Steps to a Verified YouTube Channel Page and Verification Badge

WordPress is under attack & your self-hosted site may be in crosshairs. Protect yourself now.
To further secure your site against attacks, you can use plugins to limit login attempts, enhance security on your site, add two-factor login authentication, and set up proper backup for your site. You can also add professional security through Sucuri. For a full breakdown of how to prevent brute-force attacks on your site, check out the WordPress Codex article on the topic.

3 Ways to Carve Out Time for Social Media
Finding the time for social media is one of the hardest things, I often hear business owners say. You know that you have to find the time for social media because it is important for your business, but you just want to find the simplest, smartest way to get it going, then be consistent and get it right.

Crisis Communication at it’s best? Caribou Coffee Brews Social Media Crisis
Social media policy without applied social media training is like a flashlight without batteries.

How to Keep Your Audience Reading
Use Internal Cliffhangers with complex ideas. You can also use dialogue too as an internal cliffhanger.

Stop Doing the Minimum and Start Sticking Out on LinkedIn [SEE ITEM 2]
Your first engagement with someone–whether it be on Twitter, email, or LinkedIn–should be personalized, be forward, and provide a value proposition. Don’t just ask for something without context!

Avoiding “there is” can make your writing clearer and more precise.
Never distort your writing into something that’s worse than using a common, go-to phrase. Don’t change “weak” style points on principle; change them when you can see a clear way to make your writing better by changing them: a way to be clearer, simpler, and less redundant.

Book Making: 20 Big blunders of self-publishing authors
Paying too much for a self-publishing package (If you pay $5,000 or $50,000 it will be nearly impossible to earn back your cost of publishing.) [#3]

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