Holiday 2 for 1 Special with smARTist

For the next 48 hours (until midnight Dec. 24th PST/CA), or up to 50 registrations, you can get all 3 upgrades ($97 value) for the price of a standard registration for the live 7-day conference:
all 14 Sessions Download immediately to your computer. Print. Read. Highlight.
2 MasterMind Panel Days, and 12 Keynote Speaker Presentations.
A unique 15-day, “Stay-On-Track” group coaching program, to help you get results before the dust settles. Ariane will be your personal guide to help you
1) identify the holes in your career before the event, and then
2) create your post-event action plan to fill in those holes.
Enjoy special access to a Platinum Members’ Only Forum where you can dialogue directly with Art Career coach, Ariane, and chat with other artists about how they are using the “Stay-on-Track” Program to get the most out of the conference.
Step 1: Click here to register:

Step 2: After you choose to upgrade, type (or copy/paste) this code in the Coupon Code Box and click “apply” to get all 3 upgrades immediately: 2010UPGRADE
Then, let the wild January rumpus begin, where your art career gets all the attention,

smARTist Telesummit 2010

speakersIf you want to know more about licensing your art, come hear Ariane’s interview with Jeanette Smith, who brings a wealth of experience to the table that I don’t want you to miss.

Get the facts you need to focus on this potential income stream:
Tuesday, Dec 15th 7-8 pm ET (NY) 4-5 pm PT (CA) 

Find the sign-up box in the upper right corner of that web page
• Enter your name and email • Look in your inbox for all the call-in & webcast details One thing I make sure of—all of my smARTist Pre-events have meat on the bone!

Registration is open for the 7-day conference in January, and for a limited time you can choose to pay over 3 installments. Adds Facebook Pages

I currently use to post to several of my social networking sites. is a simple and FREE service that makes updating your social networks a snap! It is just that, a snap.

I have also set up many of my clients to use this service as it is like one-stop shopping. It is fast and easy to use. Set up is a breeze.

You can post from anywhere to anywhere. You can use your phone, IM and from email as well.

I currently have it set up to “feed” to FriendFeed, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Delicious. I would caution you though that, depending on how many feeds you have set up on the other sites, you can end up with multiple postings. So, in other words, if you are using FriendFeed with Ping or Twitter, it could show up on the status updates on Facebook multiple times and it looks very strange.

The application that has recently added though, and I like very much, is you can now add your Facebook fan page to the feed. In the past, when you posted from Ping, it would only feed to your Facebook profile.

I like to use and also suggest free and easy tools in which both myself and my clients can use and this is at the top of the list.

Going Green in 2010

JulieGabrielli2Within the last month or so, we have been working with a new client, Julie Gabrielli of

Twenty years ago as a young architect, she saw the wasted that was evident in the materials that were used  contributes substantially to climate change, environmental degradation, and even poor human health from  sick building syndrome.

Rather than pack it all in, she saw these dismal statistics as a challenge. Surely, with intelligence, creativity, and  determination, we can do better. Julie began to educate herself, to learn all she could about how nature works,  to study sustainability frameworks, to teach others about green design, to assemble and lead diverse project teams.

In the process, she developed my expertise, started her own company and helped to change the industry. She  discovered a new approach that transformed how she work with clients and partners, one that led to a much greater  freedom, a specialty niche, and fulfillment in her business. Julie built a steady, loyal client stream that allowed  her to continue to learn while getting paid to do what she loved to do.

Since we have begun to work together, she and her team at BonMot Communications.

Throughout this last month, we (the team) have launched new products, audio seminars, special reports and  the list goes on. It has been a frenzy of information and input.

We have created several affiliate programs the project, sent out numerous email broadcasts, added affiliate links, tweets,  suggested Facebook and LinkedIn posts for the new affiliates. It has been non-stop, but it is all set now and ready to go.

Much of this was all done through 1ShoppingCart. It was fairly easy to get set up. The challenge though with 1ShoppingCart is they no longer offer free support. You either have to pay a premium for all inclusive support, pay a $10 per incident fee or  email support and wait for an answer. At times, it was frustrating, but it all was completed.

We at Serenity VA feel proud of the work that we did with Julie Gabrielli and look forward to many more projects with her.

GO Green 2010!

The #1 Press Release Writing Mistake

janetthaelerIf you write press releases and post them online,
are you making the #1 mistake that 9 out of 10 other
press release writers are making?

They aren’t using keywords within their releases. Keywords are the
same words people type into Google and the other search engines when
they’re searching for the answer to a problem, or they want to buy

Not using the right keywords–or any keywords–means consumers
might never find your press release. If journalists are using the
search engines to look for sources on a particular topic, or news
about your industry, they won’t find your press release, either.

Publicity expert Joan Stewart, whose tips I love, is hosting a
teleseminar on Wednesay, Oct. 21, that will cut through the often
confusing issues related to press release keywords. One lucky
person who registers for the call will win a f+ree press release,
written by Janet.

For details, go to to read more about
what you’ll learn and to register.


BudUrl2This has become one of my favorite tools. You’ll love it too. I have several BudURLs set up for not only my links, but for my clients as well.

I heard the tool bantered about at the Stompernet Live 7 convention that I attended with Joan Stewart, a.k.a. The Publicity Hound this past March in Atlanta, GA and I had no idea what they were talking about.

Once I returned home and sifted through the reams of notes that I took, I checked this out. Again, as I said earlier, I love this tool.

Here’s why:

It turns long URLs into tiny URLS.
You can track how many people click on each link.
You can use this when posting a tweet to Twitter, or an update to Facebook, in your newsletter or on your blog.

This has proved to be useful for my clients and I have passed this along to them. They are now using BudURL as well.

You can  create BudURLs for every link that you have.

There are four levels you can use.

  • Free
    This service allows you to create and track up to 250 BudURLs with premium click stats for the first 25 clicks per BudURL
  • Solo at $4/month
    This level allows you to create and  track up to 500 BudURLs with premium click stats for the first 500 clicks per BudURL
  • Power at $12/month
    At this level you are able to create and track up to 25,000 BudURLs with premium click stats for the first 2000 clicks per BudURL  This level also includes:
    Click Stream Enabled
    Weekly Stats Email
    Daily Stats Email
    Downloadable Stats
  • Agency at $49/month
    At this top level you are able to create and track up to 50,000 BudURLs with premium click stats for the first 50,000 clicks per BudURL. This level also includes:
    Click Stream Enabled
    Weekly Stats Email
    Daily Stats Email
    Downloadable Stats

You can use the free service, but to get the most bang for your buck, try the Solo level. At only $4/month, it’s worth it.

Serenity Virtual Assistant Services is Getting a New Website

serenity13Yes, we are.

Thanks to Joan Stewart (The Publicity Hound) and Paulette Ensign’s (Tips Products International) advice my website is getting a much needed face lift.

Jason Saeler of Saeler Enterprises will be building the new website. He has done the work on many websites and he has been extremely helpful to me with my business as well. In fact, he has made me part of his team!

We’re really excited about the new look and the professional feel it will project.

I also have a new business partner, my husband, Scott Buffaloe. His part of our business is in database maintenance, analytics and SEO.

Although Serenity Virtual Assistant Services has been around for roughly 5 years, we are broadening our list of services, to include:

  • Social networking consulting
  • Search engine optimization
  • Database maintenance
  • Video editing

Son onward and upwards we go. Thank you for all your support and your continued support.

Christine & Scott Buffaloe

Facebook Teleseminar

Last week I was a guest on a teleseminar hosted by Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound. The subject was “11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook

I must confess, I was extremely nervous as it was my first time as a guest on a teleseminar. I did do my homework though and I was extremely confident in my knowledge of the ways in which to use Facebook to promote your business.

Joan is more than competent at hosting a teleseminar. She leads you along very easily and keeps the pace up so one gets all the information as promised when one signs up for these events.

We received excellent feedback and in turn I have generated new clients and followers on Facebook. I have also created a “fan page” on Facebook as a result.

So, for those of you who are still confused about using Facebook and all the possibilities that are available to you, don’t hesitate. You are leaving gold on the side of the road!

11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook

There are so many missed opportunities to promote on Facebook.

I am frequently asked by my clients what is the ROI on social networking and my answer is always the same. ‘How much time would you like to spend?’

It’s really very simple, the more you put into it the higher your rate of return. That is true for anything in life, be it business or personal.

I ask my clients to spend 5 minutes a day on Twitter. Look through the tweets that are showing. Retweet someone else. Post a tip. Try not to be over promotional. Next……..

Facebook. If you have set up your Twitter feed correctly it feeds directly to your status feed on your home page. Check your status feed everyday. Comment on others feeds. Offer tips and advice. Again, don’t be overtly promotional.

The one thing to always remember about Facebook or any other social networking site is to be conversational and polite. Engage others.

On June 4th I will be the guest speaker on a teleseminar hosted by Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound. I have been her VA for several years and I have become her Facebook guru. Facebook can be confusing and hard to follow, but once you know your way around, it is very user friendly.

To sign up for this informative and fun teleseminar please visit The Publicity Hound’s website at

Tips Booklets International

I recently was given great kudos from a friend and client Paulette Ensign of Tips Booklets International. You can earn from someone who has been well paid for over a million of her “business cards” as tips booklets. Make more money now with easy-to-produce tips booklets to sell thousands at a time, not one by one. Tips booklets are in demand no matter what the economy is doing. They’re highly recession-proof..

I have recommended her on numerous occasions to my clients who have either come out with a new book or have an existing book that they would like assistance with selling. She can show you how to sell your books to not just one at a time, but in mass quantities.

She recently has added a new division to her vast line of services. She now has Publishing Prosperity, which offers audio recordings and transcripts of live Expert Interview sessions plus additional products created by those Experts.

If you are an author and in need of assistance in getting your books sold, don’t wait another minute.