How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Products or Services

I currently manage and maintain several business pages for clients on Facebook.

Over the past couple of years they have seen an increase in sales and interest in their services as well.

When using this tool it is important to remember that Facebook is just that, a tool. It is one of many, but I have found it to be extraordinarily useful.

Here are just a few ways in which you can use your business page to promote:

1. Post items to your status updates that pertain to your area of expertise using keywords in the content.

2. Set up Google Alerts to find content to share with your fans. This can be from blogs and other websites.

3. Use the Events function to create events that you are hosting or promoting.

4. If you have a blog, import your blog into your “Notes” on your business page and you will have ready-made content every time you post a new entry to your blog.

5. If you know Facebook Markup Language (Facebook’s version of HTML) or know of someone that does, add your newsletter sign up box to your page. You can even add your products as well. See side bar at

6. Create a music library of your music and share with your fans.

7. Post your videos to your page. If you are a musician, post your music videos. If you are an artist, post videos of the creation of your art.

8. Post photos and lots of them. They are a great way of showing you at your gigs, book signings or gallery openings.

There are many ways in which to use Facebook to promote. For more ideas on missed opportunities on Facebook, go to Serenity Virtual Assistant Services to receive your free tutorial on how to create a Facebook profile or purchase the CD  or transcript of “11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook”.

How To Plan Ahead For Your Digital Demise

I received a call this morning from one of my clients, Anne Roos of Celtic Harp Music. She mentioned a radio broadcast from NPR that she had listened to. It aired on June 9, 2010.

The subject matter was very compelling and brought to light the issue of what happens to all of my email accounts, social media accounts and my clients accounts if I should happen to die.

Most of us don’t like to think of these things, at least, I don’t. It is not in the forefront of my thoughts. It is important though.

As a VA I have many clients that I have personal and financial information to. If something should happen to me, it’s important that there is something in place so that information remains private.

We back-up our computers, our websites, emails and blogs, but what about our social networking and financial information. Do our clients have something in place so if the worst happens, it is taken care of?

Anne spoke to me of setting something up on her end that would give me permission to close her social media accounts if that would happen.

What if you become sick? Debilitating sick? Would you like the word to get out that you are unable to do your job? It could end your business. Scary thought.

In today’s world of internet marketing and social media our private lives have become not so private. How do we protect the very thing that is private?

I would encourage you to talk to your clients, friends and family. You never know when the worst will happen.

What To Do When You Lose a Client

shutterstock_52380208We continually strive to provide timely, quality service for our clients. The special relationship that we have with them is both valuable and in some cases fragile. We understand that they have choices and that we must always be vigilant to provide exceptional value for them.

What do we do when a client notifies us that they are terminating our relationship? Our first inclination is to throw our hands up into the air, rail at the gods and wonder what it is that we did wrong.

Most times it is not due to an error, but if it is, do everything within your power to correct the error, even if you have already lost the client.

If it is because of your rates, decide if you are willing to bend a little. If this is not a viable scenario, explain it to the client and see if there is another option. Such as:

–Cutting back on the amount of work that you do for them
–Offer time-saving tips that will allow them to do some of the work for themselves
–Offer coaching as an alternative

There will be clients that just aren’t a good “fit” for either of you. If this happens, be gracious, offer suggestions of other VA’s that you think may be willing to work with them.

Sometimes clients just fall off the radar. It’s through no fault of your own or the clients.

The best thing you can do in any case is to move on. Don’t dwell on what was and concentrate on how you can better your business. Never assume that all is well in the relationship between you and the client. Touch base on a regular basis and not just through email.


Ring a ding ding…

goodwinThe countdown has begun . . . are you going to meet the deadline? Last week I shared on Facebook with you the exciting new Stay-on-Track program recently launched by Ariane — and today I am writing this blog posting to make sure you understand what it is that she is offering . . FOR F.REE!
If you are anything like me, you’re a visual-experience-oriented person — who sometimes struggles with online information, especially when it’s packed full of IMPORTANT career-boosting information. I get overwhelmed to say the least, and panic at the thought that my money will be wasted because I might miss some of the crucial information provided by the speakers. Will I remember what I needed to take away from the session, will I understand what they were trying to portray to me?
With the Stay-on-Track program, it’s like Ariane read my mind and said… “I will prepare the Telesummit for you in CD and transcript form — AND I’ll also give you the Stay-on-Track program to make sure you succeed!” She WANTS you to get all the fruit off the tree… and she makes that possible for F.R.E.E if you purchase the Home-study program on or before midnight (Eastern Time), on April 15th!
The Stay-on-Track Program is a simple system to organize, prioritize, and create YOUR action plan as you hear the Telesummit presenters — so you’re immediately able to feed your energy and the wealth of information into creating and developing your first project!
No more feeling like you are flapping in the wind… the Stay-on-Track Program allows you to be grounded in your creative process and utilize all the valuable information from the Telesummit Home-study Program!

Where You Can Measure Your ROI on Facebook

This is an ongoing conversation. How does one measure their ROI on Facebook?

Facebook has provided a tool in which we can measure our ROI on Facebook if you have a fan page.  I can go into my fan page and look at the “insights” section on the left hand side of your page.  This is where I can measure exactly what kind of traffic I have had. It measures everything from male/female, to where your fans are coming from.

Of late, I have had some success with clients and their fan pages. For instance, I have several clients that have a newsletter. We have now taken those newsletters and “sliced and diced” them. We have posted them as notes on their Facebook fan pages such as Joan Stewart’s, aka, The Publicity Hound. What this has shown is an increase in sales.

How do we know that? Well, when I post the note, there is always a call to action. Such as, “read more at ….” or “sign up for my newsletter at….”. We have also been “tagging” her friends in these notes. You have to be careful when “tagging’ as it can be overly promotional, but if you believe it is of value to them, by all means, do.


Please Rob Me

On social media sites, do you broadcast when you’re leaving your
home or office?

Lots of people do. And every day, their avatars and “Here’s where
I am now” messages are showing up at, a site that
mocks them for announcing to the world that they aren’t at home
and actually makes it easier for burglars to rob them.

You put yourself at risk when you use, a social
media site that makes it easy to “check in” with your friends, in
conjunction with blasting out those messages to your Twitter and
Facebook friends.

Find out how it works and what you can do keep yourself from
showing up at this nasty site.

This post was originally written by Joan Stewart.

The Simplicty of Social Networking

Kristina_smLast week one of my clients came to town. What a week she picked too! She is from Annapolis and her timing was impecible. We had sunny skies and they got 4 feet of snow.

She is a fairly new client and I was thrilled to actually meet her. Her name is Kristina Von Rosenvinge who specializes in self-growth and relationship skills for personal and business success. Her website is (I have her permission to mention her in this posting).

I have been managing her Facebook page and doing odd jobs here and there for her, but we had not really defined what my role was and how I was going to assist her outside of social media.

So, I picked her up at her hotel on a Sunday morning, we met in the lobby, shook hands (I then gave her a hug) and we proceeded to have coffee at the Hotel del Coronado foundly known as “The Del”. It is a San Diego landmark and if you have never been there and are ever in the area, it’s a must see.

We walked around the hotel for a bit as I wanted to show her the beauty of the architecture and the decor. We then ordered our coffee and sat outside to enjoy the view and the weather. It was sunny and warm. What’s not to like?

We chatted for a bit about our families, our interests and so on. Basically, we got to know each other a bit.

After about an hour, we did start to discuss business. What her goals were and how she thought I could assist her with her new projects and marketing plan.

I know, I know. Why am I writing about this? Very simple. It describes exactly what social networking is all about. This is how it should be approached. Friendly, non-invasive and certainly not promotional at all. If you are confused about social media, especially Facebook, see 11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook. I was Joan Stewart’s guest on this 70 minute teleseminar.

We had a lovely chat and I then took her back to her hotel so we could go on with our day.

Thank you Krisitina for allowing me to share this.

Facebook for Artists, Beyond Beginners

facebookI was recently a guest panelist on The smARTist Telesummit with Ariane Goodwin.  It was truly an inspiring experience.

My presentation was titled, Facebook for Artists, Beyond Beginners which included a 17 pages of illustrated handouts with easy, step-by-step instructions.

There was no way I could possible cover all the materials and tools that Facebook provides in 60 minutes.

After the presentation I was sent a list of email for artists with their questions concerning Facebook and I tried to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

Here are some of the questions and answers:

Q: What about the changes in the privacy policy?  Should we be concerned? 
A: We should all be concerned about our privacy anywhere online.  If you are really concerned about your privacy and the changes on Facebook, I read this fantastic article and follower their suggestions for not only myself, but for my clients as well.

Q: Is it ok to have 2 Facebooks, one for person and one for business or is this too confusing for other? 
A: Yes, it absolutely ok to have 2 Facebooks.  First of all, you need to have a personal profile.  From there you can create your fan/business page.  This is what I do and I suggest to my clients.  When posting anything business related, post from your fan/business page.  If you are conversing with a friend or family member, do it from your personal profile page.  That way, the 2 don’t get confused.

Q: I have found my RSS feed url on WordPress.  Now, how and where do I enter it into the “notes” section of my Fan Page to get the blog to feed into that space?  Hate to be a pain, but I’m still struggling with this.  I’ve searched the FB help extensively already for an answer.  (Much thanks in advance for your help!)  — okay, now I’ve got it coming in, but it’s coming in to my personal page not my fan page.  Yikes! 
A: To do this, you need to stop importing the blog to your personal page.  When you go into your business page, go to edit page and you will see a list there.  On that list you will then see “Notes”.  Click on edit.  You can then import your blog into your fan page.

And these are just a few.  If you are confused by Facebook, I can help you to keep it straight with the teleseminar 11 Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on Facebook“.  This teleseminar was hosted by Joan Stewart in June of 2009 and includes a 28 page handout.  You can order it as an MP3, transcript or as a CD.

For Passionate Coaches, Healers, Consultants, Authors, and Service Professionals

banner_BTCE“Learn exactly how easy it is to turn your passion into a fun, fulfilling, and profitable business – when you discover how to stop marketing and turn your life’s calling into an unstoppable movement!”

The BE THE CHANGE event is designed to help you TAKE BACK CONTROL of your business dream from the gurus and hacks, GET YOU OFF THE MARKETING HAMSTER WHEEL, and GET YOU IN TOUCH WITH YOUR PURPOSE (all while creating a REAL plan to accelerate your income beyond what you believed possible).

Suzanne Evans has taken all her experience (because hey, she can only be herself), bottled it up for mass consumption and is ready to serve it to you on a silver platter over 3 days. (Think of it as a savory 3-course meal)

The BE THE CHANGE Event is rooted in “The 3 M’s”:  movement, marketing, and mindset.

Over the course of the event she’ll help you:

* Get super clear about YOUR movement.

* Help YOU understand how to market it.

* Give YOU the mindset to do it.

February 18-20, 2010
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The Gift That Keeps Giving

Best of 2009Every year, Joan Stewart, a.k.a., The Publicity Hound gives out a free ebook. It is from her newsletter “best of”.

This year, its ” The Best of The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week-2009

What is so unique about this gift is that you can re-gift it as many times as you would like. Here are just a few of the ways in which you can either use the ebook

  • The lazy way to create fun video–even if you don’t have a technical bone in your body
  • How to create your own holiday, or your own day, week or month of the year
  • 9 attention-grabbing phrases to use at your blog
  • 5 great social media marketing ideas when the idea well is dry
  • The Number 1 press release writing mistake that will doom you every time

This is the ebook the just keeps giving and giving.