How to Launch Your Own Book

Can’t afford more than $5,000 to hire a publicist to launch and promote your new book?

Don’t feel bad. Nine out of 10 authors can’t. But if you know the inside tricks, you can do it yourself and watch books fly off the shelves, without having to take out a second mortgage on your house to pay for a publicist.

Publicity expert Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, is partnering with book publicist Penny Sansevieri for a special webinar from 4-6 p.m. Eastern Time this Thursday, Dec. 6.

Penny will take you by the hand walk you step by step through the basics of how to launch a new book, or promote a book that’s been around for awhile.

Joan and Penny both have a reputation of presenting programs that are very affordable and packed with content.

If you can’t attend live, register anyway and Joan will send you the video replays and all the bonuses so you can review them whenever it’s most convenient. The jewels in the whopping bonus package go in-depth with training on topics like keyword research and how to use Pinterest to sell books.

Learn more about Thursday’s webinar, and how you can participate, by clicking this affiliate link.

Posted in Tips and Tools for Virtual Assistants Tagged permalink

About Christine Buffaloe

Christine Buffaloe received her training on-the-job when working as an Executive Assistant for 5 years. Tiring of the commute every day, she took that knowledge and experience and dedicated it to Serenity Virtual Assistant Services. Christine has been a featured guest on webinars and in When she is not working at her computer she enjoys knitting and taking her dogs for hikes. Her other passion is walking marathons and riding her Yamaha V-Star 1100 motorcycle..

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