5 Tricks to Keep Your Book Fans Coming Back to Your Facebook Page

I recently stumbles upon this author’s works as I was perusing the bookshelves at my local library. Real books, not digital!

The author is Richard Paul Evans and he writes a lot of faith-based fiction.

What caught my eye was the book “The Walk”. Why, because I’m interested in walking as I’ve been training for marathons for the last 2 years. The triple-bonus was it was a 3-part series of books.

So, I finished the first book and started the second book. I then looked at the inside jacket of his book and yes, he is on Facebook. (This was one of the items I talked about from my webinar series, Facebook for Authors.)

Here are 5 things he is doing to maximize his presence on Facebook:

  1. Responding promptly when I tagged him in a post in which I commented about his book
  2. He knows his target market and he uses that information to keep them involved by having weekly events, such as “Good Deed Friday” or “GratiTuesday”, etc…
  3. A contest. All I had to do is click and enter a contest to win an autographed reader’s copy of his soon-to-be-published book 4 in the walk series: A Step of Faith
  4. Posts snippets of his books on his page
  5. Uses the events tab to let his readers know when and where he will be for his book signings

This is just a sampling of what he is using for fan engagement. What are some of the tricks that you use to keep your fans engaged and keep them coming back for more?

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