I have been spending so much time on Facebook lately that it consumes me.
It’s either for myself or many of my clients. They send me new applications to put on their page or they have question regarding new applications.
One of the things I always do before placing a new application on my client’s page is to add it to mine first. That way I can see exactly how it works and looks on the page. I see quite a few pages that look like a dime store sale (for those of us who remember what a dime store is).
I have also spent quite a bit of time removing of a lot of applications just for that reason. I am in business and I want to present myself that way. I am not looking for new best friends or a date. I am networking, period.
I have a client who I monitor a website for. It’s the Huffinton Post. I recently came across an article written by Stacy Krajchir that I would like to share with you. You can read it here:
I couldn’t agree more……