As a valued reader of this ezine, I have an irresistible offer. Buy this award-winning book today and you will get an additional $3000 of life changing gifts!!!
Offer ends December 6th, 2007
Funky to Fabulous.
Do you have challenges that you long to overcome?
Buy Funky to Fabulous. (Only The Secret won a higher award). I was so impressed that I wanted to share this book with you!
Then all you have to do to get your free $3000 of gifts is just email the receipt you’ll get from and they’ll slide your free gifts right over to you.
1) Dr. Joe Vitale ignited your ability to use The Law of Attraction in THE SECRET. Now, he shares his newest secret in this audio program. ($199 value, yours free!)
2) Get a luxury weekend at a four-star hotel–Banff Park Lodge Resort Hotel including gourmet meals and an invaluable seminar with best selling author LuAn Mitchell. All you have to do is get there. ($1400 value, yours free!)
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4) Download your free video featuring three of the world’s masters from The Secret — Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield, and Lisa Nichols — discussing how the Law of Attraction is personally transforming their lives. ($250 retail value, yours free!)
5) Learn to use “The Power of Love” with international expert Dr. Ava Cadell who coaches Tony Robbins coaches! Millions seek her advice on Good Morning America and Cosmopolitan join Dr. Ava Cadell’s Teleconference ($169 value, yours free!)
6) Take 7 days to create the life you long for in lush serene Costa Rica with Joyce Dillon, R.N., M.N. (This exclusive offer is $200 off the regular price.)
7) Garth Roberts e-book – WRITING INSPIRATION FROM ORDINARY PLACES – teleseminars, and the opportunity to be part of your own writer’s sharing group. ($159 value, yours free!)
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9) Dr. Joe Rubino’s 7 Steps to Soaring Self-Esteem is the insightful, eye-opening audio program based on the internationally best-selling book ($129 value, yours free!)
10) From Chellie Campbell the author of “Zero to Zillionaire” and “The Wealthy Spirit”, receive Chellie’s personal step-by-step guide, It’s Not Cold Calling It’s Gold Calling. ($125 value, yours free!)
11) One Hour Group Tele-Seminar with Eli Davidson “One of America’s Top Coaches” featured on United, Delta and American Airlines. ($197 value, yours free!)
12) For Los Angeles residents, Sandra Dupont, M.F.T Consultation Session at her office for parents with children between the ages of 11 and 19.:This Certificate is valid for a one time, 50 minute session FREE
13) Learn how to take care of your health and well being with 2 e-books from Bertrand Babinet, Ph.D. ($62.95 value, yours free!)
14) Ed Tate shows you jumpstart your people with 3 Audio Courses: ($60 value, yours free)
15) Felicia Slattery gives you the detailed information of Communicating with Confidence and follow up session. ($48 value, yours free!)
16) Receive a MP3 and ebook from Sandy Grason to guide you in creating a joyful and abundant life. ($45 value, yours free)
17) Leslie Karen Sann, M.A. Get a powerful special report to live by design, rather than default. ($27 value, yours free!)
18) Two powerful gifts from author “Journey to Abundance”, Kamin Bell, ($27 value, yours free!)
19) Yana Berlin of an online community for women in their prime is sponsoring a gift certificate for you to accessorize and glamorize.
20) Receive 2 gifts from Cynthia Daddona, top selling author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess a celebration of life, love and food. ($30 value, yours free)
Now, here’s how you can grab these valuable free gifts.
All you need to do to get over $3000 in free gifts is grab a copy of Eli’s book for just $24.95 off (Recently it was called “The Secret The Secret Didn’t Tell You.
Funky to Fabulous
Remember all you have to do to get your free $3000 of gifts is just email your name, email address and order number to Christine Buffaloe that you’ll get from for buying Funky to Fabulous and she’ll slide your free gifts right over to you.
In fact, famous motivational star Jack Canfield said this about Funky to Fabulous. ” You’ll laugh out loud reading Funky to Fabulous and walk away with surprisingly simple, powerful techniques to turn around your day and your life” (You’ll also see 11 incredible 5-star reviews listed on However, the celebration ends at midnight Eastern Time tonight!
So the only way you can grab all the free gifts is to purchase your copy of Funky To Fabulous and get the receipt from Amazon to Christine Buffaloe before midnight.
Christine Buffaloe
Serenity Virtual Assistant Services
“Creating Serenity from Chaos”