Keyword research for articles

I have been doing keyword research for article submission of late.

One of the best tools I have found is This is a free tool that is invaluable. Let me tell you, free is always a good thing. You can purchase an upgraded version of this, but as of now, I don’t see the need.

There is a trick to inserting keywords in your articles though. They can’t just be random. They have to pertain to the subject as the search engines can’t be tricked. You can also submit several articles using the same or similar keywords, but the article must be different enough so again the search engines will not be tricked.

One of the best and highest Google page ranking sites to submit your articles to is

So to drive business to your website get those articles published and make sure you do your keyword research or have your virtual assistant do it for you.

More on Social Networking

I have been one busy virtual assistant.

This social networking phenomenon is the hottest thing going right now. It can keep you tied up for hours on just one site.

My newest posting is on And this is just for starters.

There are several reasons that I am creating all these profiles on sites such as,, and

  1. To drive more traffic to my website and blog
  2. So I can become efficient at creating a profile and therefore offer the service to my clients.
  3. It’s just plain fun!

I am always looking for fun and innovative ways to bring a certain level of expertise to my business and this is definitely one of them.

I look forward to the next phenomenon.

Social Networking

I have spent the last few days working on social networking sites. The first one I tackled was, then I was on to My first try at this was

I must tell you, that this could be a lifelong commitment. I spent 2 hours alone just on Just trying to figure out all the applications and how to get them to appear on my home page.

Then there is the “friends” issue. So far, all my friends are from the other social networking sites. This could go on forever!

I have also registered 2 of my client to these sites. I have added there profiles, sent out “friend” requests and so on.

One source that I did find helpful was from my mentor Joan Stewart. She has just updated her Special Report #17:Powerful Ways to Promote Your Website. This report is full of information on social networking. It list all the links for the different sites as well as the niche sites. You can read all out the Special Report at

I now limit my time to about 2 hours per week on this. It is just too consuming.

We’ll see if it pays off……


I learned an invaluable lesson yesterday.

This is for all the VA’s out there and internet marketers.

When posting a newsletter, do not send a newsletter with HTML!

I spent a lot of time yesterday working on a newsletter for a client that insists on sending a HTML newsletter. I have tried to suggest that she do a plain text newsletter on numerous occasions. But as she is the client I do as she asks.

When I sent the newsletter to her and myself it looked different on her screen and mine. On my screen it was exactly as I formatted in, on hers, well let’s just say it looked horrible.

I don’t know enough about HTML to know why that happens, but apparently it has to do with screen resolution and so on.

I spoke with my mentor Joan Stewart, aka, The Publicity Hound, and she quoted a few pages from Tom Antion’s ebook “Click”.

Here are a few points that he makes regarding the cons of sending a HTML newsletter:

  • “You will clearly lose readers who either cannot read HTML, don’t want HTML because of the larger file size, or aren’t allowed to receive HTML emails because of corporate restrictions.”
  • “It’s much more work for you to prepare HTML emails and make them look good.”
  • “HTML file sizes are usually bigger than an equivalent text based newsletter so some people will resist subscribing because they must pay for download time and file transfer amounts.”
  • “HTML newsletters are more difficult to forward and frequently get corrupted in the process. This means you’ll lose recommendations because the person receiving the forward either can’t read it, or it looks so terrible they don’t want to read it.”

And here is the main point:

  • “Myself included and all of the people I know who make more than 1 million a year on the Internet will not use HTML email. . . . Now doesn’t that tell you something?”

I hope it tells you something as well.

More Time Savers

Once again I have lapsed into a state of apathy regarding this blog. I keep telling myself to blog, but something else always distracts me.

There are a few things that I have discovered in the last few weeks that have been very helpful to me in my business. Actually computer programs.

One is This program enabled me to send out large files to a number of customers that were involved in an Amazon book campaign. They purchased the book and then I had to send them the bonus items. Some of the items, even put into a zipped file were just too large to send via email. It was a time saver. The program is free for the first 14 days and then they would like you to upgrade. I haven’t at this point, but if I continue to have to send these large files I will.

Another program is I have been traveling quite a bit and I need to access my computer. I don’t like to lug around a laptop (I know, join the ranks), but this enables me to access my computer from anywhere. The set up is so easy. They even have a 30 day free trial. I now pay $19.95 per month for this service and it is worth it. I don’t lose anytime doing the VA work that I love to do. I stay in touch with my clients this way.

I can imagine that there are thousands upon thousands of time saving programs out there and I have just hit the tip of the iceberg.

Stay tuned!

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So the only way you can grab all the free gifts is to purchase your copy of Funky To Fabulous and get the receipt from Amazon to Christine Buffaloe before midnight.

Christine Buffaloe
Serenity Virtual Assistant Services
“Creating Serenity from Chaos”

Online Event Calendars

This is something that I highly recommend to all you authors, speaker, event planners and PR specialist.

Post your events to online event calendars.

Here are the ones that I highly recommend:

Full Calendar The cost per post is $19.95, but let’s say you have an event that you would like to post in the Los Angeles market. Full Calendar has a database of well over 350 media outlets that they will send your event to. That includes print media and other online event calendars. Well worth the cost.

Authors and Experts is a free online calendar posting. You can either join or post for free. is also free. You do have to register to be able to post there. Full Calendar also posts your items to Eventful., another freebie.

Craigslist You can post your event to there online events calendar. The posting is only available for 2 weeks though. Again, if you post to, it will be on Craigslist.

PacketOnline forwards your news to 13 of the most appropriate newspapers in Central New Jersey. You can register to their portal and post your event. You do have to change the location that you would like your event posted to by city. Again, this is a free service. You cannot post anything that is more than 30 days out.

SFStation is a San Francisco based online calendar. It is free, but you have to register to have an account.

Minority Professional Network. They claim that their site is visited by hundreds of thousands of culturally diverse and women professionals across the US and abroad.

These are the sites that I use to post my clients events. I have also recommended these site to other PR experts. One in particular found that she could save alot of time and money by just posting to these online calendars. Your VA can assist you with all this.

Planning your PR Campaign for 2008

This morning I was on a call with one of my clients and we were talking about Media Plans. She is hosting a teleseminar October 30th through November 2nd on “How to Create a Media Plan for 2008”. For more information click on

This teleseminar is not only for PR professionals, but for authors, marketing managers, publicists, non-profits, government agencies, speakers and coaches.

I am signing up for this course because a majority of the work I do for my clients is related to generating traffic to their websites. I have talked about article posting as one way of doing this. There are so many other means at my disposal that I would like to get in on the action.

One way of doing this social networking. MySpace, Facebook, YouTube (just to name a few) are leading the way in website promotion.

I want to be in on the cutting edge of this information. Don’t be left out in the cold. Sign up for this exciting and informative teleseminar!

Article Submission

The subject of article submission has become very important to me. I have been posting articles to various websites for my clients for some time now.

There are many article websites as well…thousands of them in fact. How to know where to post your articles, that is the $60,000 question.

Dan Janal of PR Leads says that you really only need to publish your articles to about 10 of them. As long as they are pertaining to your subject matter. He even has a list of all the websites for article submission that you can purchase. He will even customize it for you. It is really a cost effective way to submit your articles as that frees up the time needed to research the websites.

Another criteria is to only post your articles to high ranking websites. I use Google page ranking as the standard. I would only post articles to website with a Google page ranking of 3 or more. If there isn’t any traffic on the website then why bother to post there.

At one point I was using a software program called ArticleSubmitterPro, but I found it slow and confusing. The program didn’t have many of the websites that I post to. Now I manually post the articles. I also make sure that there is always a link back to the home website in the author’s bio area.

The time consuming part of the whole project is to register each client with the submission website. After you have registered, then you need to confirm the email address. I set up a dummy email address at the free email sites then I use that email address at the article submission websites. It makes it easier for me and the client.

Keyword rich articles are also a great way to get traffic back to your website. I conduct the research using

This is one of many ways to market yourself and your website.

My Website

I have to admit it, my website is not very appealing.

I was talking to a prospective client yesterday and she took a look at my website and my blog while she was talking to me.

I admitted that I hadn’t taken the time lately to post anything to my blog. I felt that I was just too busy. Well, that’s not exactly true. I just haven’t taken the time to do it.

My mentor, The Publicity Hound, constantly expounds on the importance of blogging. I mean, every week in her newsletter she at least mentions that. I not only read the newsletter, but I proof it and archive it to her blog. I read it at least 3 times a week. You would think that it would have sunk it by now.

The reason she thinks that this is so important is that it will drive traffic back to her website. I agree. So far, it is working fabulously for her.

I also mention this to clients and prospective clients as well.

One of the reasons that I don’t do much blogging is that I don’t like my website and so I guess I just ignore it. I keep saying to myself that I am going to get to it one of these days.

That day came yesterday when the prospective client said that one look at my website would turn clients away. Deep down inside I knew that, I just didn’t want to face it.

Aletta de Wal advised me to hire someone that could help me with it because as we all know, time is money.

So today I have a consultation with a graphic designer and a web guru and I am hoping to turn it around.

Stay tuned.