Virtual Assistants Mentioned on the Today Show

Today’s Money 911 reporter Jean Chatzky topped her recommended work at home list with Virtual Assistant.

Here is a quote from a posting I read today:

“Virtual assistants around the globe who have repeatedly promoted the industry as individuals and as groups are beginning to see an impact on their efforts. Virtual assistants have been talked about, written about, interviewed by, and seen in the likes of Entrepreneur, USA Today, Time, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Reader’s Digest, CNN News, and more. “We’ve come a long way from the deer in the headlights, wrinkled forehead look once received when offering up ‘I’m a virtual assistant,’ after being asked our profession,” states Kelly Poelker, Director of Academy of Virtual Professionals and co-author of the Virtual Assistant – The Series books. “Each and every article and interview put us one step closer to educating as many people as we can on what a virtual assistant is, and how a business can benefit from our services.” It’s an exciting time to start a virtual assistant business, but there are still a number of people just discovering the profession as a result of the growing media coverage.”

To read the entire article go to

Contracts with a Virtual Assistant

This is something that has come up from time to time in my business.

Do I have a contract with my clients? Quite honestly, I don’t.

When I first started out, I had one client, who incidentally was a very good friend and I didn’t feel the need. Now as my business grows, I have been thinking more and more about it.

When I start with a new client we discuss their expectations and mine. I then write up a proposal based on what we had discussed. I also ask the client to send me their task list. Their goals for their business and what they would like me to do to assist them to achieve those goals. Once we have an understanding of the hours, billing and such, I move forward.

I just read a blog regarding this and it has inspired me to change my “modus operandi”, so to speak.

You can read more about this at

Social Networking and Facebook

I have been spending so much time on Facebook lately that it consumes me.

It’s either for myself or many of my clients. They send me new applications to put on their page or they have question regarding new applications.

One of the things I always do before placing a new application on my client’s page is to add it to mine first. That way I can see exactly how it works and looks on the page. I see quite a few pages that look like a dime store sale (for those of us who remember what a dime store is).

I have also spent quite a bit of time removing of a lot of applications just for that reason. I am in business and I want to present myself that way. I am not looking for new best friends or a date. I am networking, period.

I have a client who I monitor a website for. It’s the Huffinton Post. I recently came across an article written by Stacy Krajchir that I would like to share with you. You can read it here:

I couldn’t agree more……

Eli Davidson on the Today show

One of my clients, Eli Davidson, recently appeared on the “Today” show.

Landing a spot on the “Today” show is no easy task.

But Eli got a four-minute interview on
the show by asking another TV producer if they know of other shows that
might want you as a guest, and then ask if they’d be willing to contact the
other producer on your behalf.

So, that’s what she did after appearing on Dr. Phil’s “Decision
House” TV show. The “Today” show called and she got the
phone call she was waiting for.

Eli, is an author and a coach. She discussed how she turned her life
around after losing her business, marriage and health, all within
18 months. She was $88,000 in debt but dug out. Today, she
coaches others on success strategies and turnaround techniques.

You can watch the video here:

Brava Eli!

Adobe Photoshop & Me

I recently purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. I may have made a huge mistake.

The reason you ask? Because I don’t know what the heck I am doing. It’s like taking a shot in the dark and hoping you will hit the right target.

I have a client who would like me to make minor changes to her website when needed. Nothing major, just minor date changes and such, but she has quite a few graphics on her website that have text typed into them.

Silly me, I thought I could just buy this software, and poof, I could just change the text. Well, I come to find out that isn’t so. You have to create layers and so on.

I went to the support and watched the tutorials and it doesn’t do what it says it should be doing.

I then Googled for free online tutorials and all I found were tutorials that you have to pay for and because I am frugal, I opted not to sign up for anything.

My next step was to put a post on Facebook and Twitter to beg for assistance and much to my surprise I did get quite a few suggestions and one offer for a free tutorial. His name is Mike Garcia and he walked me through a number of things. I am so grateful for his help. He did suggest that in the future I should purchase the full blown Adobe Photoshop. We’ll see.

In the meantime, I am going to practice and see what I can come up with.

Keep your fingers crossed.

An Amazing blog post

I just read an amazing blog posting. I was thrilled to finally read something that is “spot on” in regards to the etiquette to working with a VA. You can read the entire post at :

Golden rule #1 as mentioned in the blog posting is especially difficult for me. It is a matter of not wanting to sound desperate for the money.

Golden rule #2 mentions procedures, office hours, etc….I am available at all hours. That is one of my faults as a business owner. There are times that I am available at ungodly hours. I also work weekends when on a deadline. Set your schedule and stick to it.

Golden rule #3 says that I am not an employee, but a client. That is so true.

Golden rule #4 states that communication is key. I couldn’t agree more with that statement. I have one client in particular that is difficult to communicate with in terms of her accessibility, but at some point we do connect.

The essence of this blog posting is mutual respect. To me that is THE Golden Rule.

Virtual Outsourcing

One of my clients, nationally recognized executive coach, Eli Davidson recently hosted a webinar with Michael Russer. He is the CEO of RUSSER Communications.

The name of the webinar is “Transform your Business Using Virtual Outsourcing”. In this webinar he speaks of all the advantages of using a virtual assistant.

Today, there are so many ways in which to use a VA. Not all VAs have the same levels of expertise.

My field of expertise has been for internet marketers and coaches. I can navigate the internet and have a wonderful sense of the applications.

To listen to the webinar go to The webinar lasts about 1 hour, but you can download it to your computer and save it for later use.

A learning experience

As a VA I am constantly learning new things. Not always regarding software or anything really business related.

You see, I have a problem with communicating my concerns to clients when I don’t hear from them in a while. I naturally assume that my services, for whatever reason, are no longer needed.

This time though, instead of stewing over it, I sent an email to the client and asked. That is huge for me as I don’t like rejection. I would rather lay awake at night and try to figure out what I did wrong.

Well, as it turns out, it was all in my head. She immediately called me and explained that she had been on the road and had been very busy. She also stated that she loves the work that I do and will continue to do so. She had even sent me an email as we were speaking sending me more projects.

So, the gist of this blog posting is to say:

  1. Keep the lines of communication open
  2. Don’t be afraid to call your client and voice your concerns
  3. When in doubt-ask!

If you are thinking of hiring a VA, go to this link and learn all about what a VA can do for you at

A New Life

I recently did something that I have wanted to do for years.

I bought a motorcycle. It’s not a Harley, but then again, it’s not a moped either. It’s a Honda VLX600 Shadow.

I know, I know, you’re asking, what does this have to do with being a VA? Well, not much.

But, I was talking with one of my clients the other day and she is a mid-life transition coach. You can find her at We were talking about blogging and finding content.

I suggested that she talk about doing things in mid-life that are daring and and sometimes courageous. Some people go bungee jumping or jump out of airplanes (with a chute I hope). Me, I bought a motorcycle.