The “Sometime” rules of Facebook

I have been meaning to write this post for about 2 weeks and just haven’t had the time. I’ve been busy working with Facebook’s customer service. Good luck trying to find it!
Keep this email address in a safe place for you may need it sometime,

I have a client that will remain anonymous and she and I had worked out a promotional plan using Facebook as one of the tools.

Here was the plan:

  1. Get as many “friends” as possible in a short time span
  2. Join “groups” that are within her subject matter
  3. Write on “group” walls
  4. Send event invitations

Sounds like a great plan, right? Wrong.

Now, I would like to preface this by saying that I had read the terms of service to a certain degree, read what the Facebook guru’s had to say about using Facebook to promote your business and even participated in a few teleseminars about the uses of Facebook.

I know they weren’t lying to me, but the enforcement seems to be random.

First of all, you can only invite so many “friends” at a time or it is construed as spamming and Facebook will issue you a warning to cool it.

Second, you can join the groups, but be careful about what you write when you join.

Third, after you join the groups, be careful that you don’t write the same message on the walls as this will be construed as spamming.

And fourth, just because you send an invitation to all your 900+ friends and they agree to attend your teleseminar doesn’t mean they will actually go to the website you provide to actually register and pay for the teleseminar.

After all this, her account was disabled! I had written on a group’s wall and they complained, account disabled. Period.

I then emailed the Facebook gurus to ask for their guidance only to find out that they didn’t know the answer either as this had not happened to them.

I did finally get some help and found out that to do any kind of promotion of your products or services, you need to set up a separate business page which is also tied in with your original Facebook page. Are we all confused now? I know I was and still am.

Her account has now been reactivated, I have been extremely diligent about following the rules, contact this administrators of the groups asking for permission to write promotional items on their walls and guess what?

We received another warning!!

Go figure……..

Living Healthy and Aging Well DVD

Emory University and an extraordinary panel of professionals sat down to discuss practical ways for us to maximize our health and life spans through nutrition, fitness, emotional health, sleep, pain management, and mind body practices. This is a 1 & 1/2 hour DVD video of the discussion. Visit Healthy Living and Balance to purchase this DVD.

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Use Twitter to drive sales

Twitter, the hottest marketing tool on the planet, can be frustrating, confusing and a huge time-waster if you don’t know what you’re doing.

But used correctly, it can drive traffic to your website and even generate sales, sometimes in a matter of just a few seconds.

My friend, Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound, is hosting a teleseminar series Oct. 13 and 14 called “How to to Use Twitter to Amass an Army of Followers, Customers & Valuable Contacts– and Promote.”

On Day 1, you’ll learn the basics of Twitter and time-saving tips. On Day 2, you’ll learn specific strategies on to promote any product, service, cause or issue.

If you have a time conflict, register anyway because you’ll get a copy of the MP3 audios and the electronic transcripts to review at your leisure.

Seating is limited to 100 people, so register today at

Don’t miss this one!