I just read an amazing blog posting. I was thrilled to finally read something that is “spot on” in regards to the etiquette to working with a VA. You can read the entire post at :http://adayva.blogspot.com/2008/05/tough-love-accountability-or-four.html Golden rule #1 as … Continue reading
Category Archives: Tips and Tools for Virtual Assistants
This classy little music video, under 2 minutes in length, shows her playing the “Fox Hunter’s Jig” at many lovely vista points around Lake Tahoe, where she resides. read more | digg story … Continue reading
One of my clients, nationally recognized executive coach, Eli Davidson recently hosted a webinar with Michael Russer. He is the CEO of RUSSER Communications. The name of the webinar is “Transform your Business Using Virtual Outsourcing”. In this webinar he … Continue reading
As a VA I am constantly learning new things. Not always regarding software or anything really business related. You see, I have a problem with communicating my concerns to clients when I don’t hear from them in a while. I … Continue reading
I recently did something that I have wanted to do for years. I bought a motorcycle. It’s not a Harley, but then again, it’s not a moped either. It’s a Honda VLX600 Shadow. I know, I know, you’re asking, what … Continue reading
I have been doing keyword research for article submission of late. One of the best tools I have found is http://www.wordtracker.com/. This is a free tool that is invaluable. Let me tell you, free is always a good thing. You … Continue reading
I have been one busy virtual assistant. This social networking phenomenon is the hottest thing going right now. It can keep you tied up for hours on just one site. My newest posting is on http://www.squidoo.com/virtual_office_assistant. And this is just … Continue reading
I have spent the last few days working on social networking sites. The first one I tackled was LinkedIn.com, then I was on to Facebook.com. My first try at this was MySpace.com. I must tell you, that this could be … Continue reading
I learned an invaluable lesson yesterday. This is for all the VA’s out there and internet marketers. When posting a newsletter, do not send a newsletter with HTML! I spent a lot of time yesterday working on a newsletter for … Continue reading
Once again I have lapsed into a state of apathy regarding this blog. I keep telling myself to blog, but something else always distracts me. There are a few things that I have discovered in the last few weeks that … Continue reading