My Date with an Author

OutlanderI have to admit, I have a guilty pleasure. I’m hooked on the Outlander series. I mean the whole kit and kaboodle. Not just the books, but the TV show on Starz. This started years ago with the first book, Outlander, written by Diana Gabaldon. That was back in 1991. Since then, I’ve followed the author and her all of her books. There are a total of 8 (so far) in the Outlander series. There is also the Lord John Grey series not to mention the pocket books, etc.

Now that I’ve admitted this, I can now share that I read anything that is Scottish Highlander related. I did a quick search the other night and found a few books that were recommended for us “Outlander finding fraserObsessed” reader! There was one that really caught my eye, Finding Fraser, written by KC Dyer.

Now as many of you know, the main 2 characters in the book are Claire and Jamie Fraser. I needed to look into this further.

I then downloaded a free portion of Finding Fraser and liked what I read so I ordered the whole book and proceeded to read the book. I have to say, I was hooked.

The characters, although not Claire or Jamie Fraser were enchanting and a delight. The main character, Emma, is on a quest to find her own version of Jamie Fraser. As he is otherwise known as “The King of Men” you can image that this was not an easy quest. Jamie Fraser is every women’s dream. Romantic, chivalrous, brave, smart and mostly, very easy on the eyes!

As I am the curious sort, I did a quick and dirty search online for the author, KC Dyer and I found her on Twitter. I then tweeted about the book and how much I was enjoying it. And, much to my surprise, she did respond (that is key). We had a short conversation on Twitter and I then invited her to an Outlander group I belong to on Facebook (I said I was obsessed!).

The whole point to this post is that because KC Dyer responded to my initial post on Twitter she was able to extend the conversation to the group on Facebook. She answered questions and was truly engaged with us.

That is how you use social media to sell more books, products or services. You engage with  your audience. It’s that simple!!

Now, go get engaged! HAH….

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