Serenity VA Tweets of the Week– Number One GooglePlus Question – Profile or Page

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.

Number One GooglePlus Question – Profile or Page?
No matter what, you will need to create a personal Profile on Google+, even if it’s only so you can set up and manage Pages.  If you’re a solo business owner, you may want to set up a Page in order to protect your brand and Why

Generate Leads Not Lists
Lead generation is going to make or break your small business. One fundamental rule that is often overlooked though is to generate leads, not lists. The leads you find and use must be quality potential clients.

You Should Always Update WordPress and Plugin’s
The number one reason to keep you items on your site updated, in my opinion, is security – to stop hackers and malware from getting into your site and possibly have your site get infected. When that happens, Google and others can blacklist you – and you really don’t want that to happen.

How to Make WordPress Sites Load 72.7% Faster
You want to know the secret to a faster WordPress website? You and everyone else. But it’s not a secret. The problem is that there is a whole lot of misguidance out there that makes it hard for site owners like you and me to identify the solutions that really work.Let’s cut the crap and turn down the hype.

Why You Should Use Animated Videos on a Business Blog.
Are you considering creating an animated video for your business blog? Did you know that blog posts and articles with images perform 91 percent better than those without them (Skyword study, 2011)? Have you done a Google search lately that has video content that you can’t resist checking out? Oh yeah. I love video. You know what else I love? Animated videos.

5 top things to consider before you write and self-publish a book and why publicists should care
Here are five basic checklist items that need to be answered before embarking on the somewhat daunting project of writing a book.

Using Categories and Tags Effectively on Your Blog
In terms of coding, categories and tags are almost identical. A category system could very easily be used as a tagging system, and vice versa.So what is it that makes the two different? And how are they best used? Categories and tags are both very useful assets, provided they are each used for their own purpose. The upcoming WordPress 2.3 release will include tags by default, which can only serve to heighten their popularity.

Twitter Raises $1.82 B In Biggest Tech IPO Since Facebook
Twitter raised $1.82 billion in its initial public offering, the largest IPO by a technology company since Facebook Inc.’s debut in May 2012.

Free cheat sheet: 15 ways to pull more YouTube traffic
How I wish I had had Jeff Johnson’s free YouTube cheat sheet when I started my YouTube channel about eight years ago. Today, YouTube offers so many more opportunities to pull traffic that converts to leads, and leads that convert to paying customers.

How to Prepare Your Presentation: 3 Simple Steps to Nail It.
If you’re like most busy professionals when asked to give a presentation in an hour, or the next day, you probably first reach for a recent slide deck on the topic you’ll be speaking about.

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