How to Overcome a Webinar Launch Failure

This happens everyday. You think you have come up with the “next new thing”. The next thing that is going to rock the world. You are jazzed. Hyped. Can’t wait to get started.

You have also done your research. Spoken with other experts, gotten advise on how to best launch, when to launch, which services to use, etc….

You have blogged about it. Sent out press releases. Used social media to create the buzz. Lined up affiliates and other experts to present…..

The big day comes…..BAM! Nothing. Silence. You check your email several times, reboot your computer to make sure there is nothing wrong with your email. Check your shopping cart…..

Still nothing. You feel your gut and spirits drop. What’s wrong, you ask? Did you forget something? Did everyone not know that this was the “next big thing”?

So, what do you do? Cancel the whole shebang? Cancel your experts? Put your head in your hands in shame?

No, you move forward. Even if you only have one person on the call or no one at all, you do it anyways. It’s hard, yes, but you have to do this for yourself as much as anyone else. If you don’t, you’ll never try anything again.

I know, I’ve been through it and I am going through it right now.

I launched a social media webinar series at the beginning of March. I was so jazzed. I had done my research. I had talked to the experts. I did have and still do have my experts lined up for the webinar series, but still no one came.

What have I taken away from this?

I do have what it takes and you know, you have to face the fear and do it anyway. I’m not ashamed of this product, in fact, I’m really proud of what I accomplished. Also, this was a learning experience. I now feel comfortable in hosting webinar and creating dazzling content. I now know how to edit the content as well. I have connected to other experts and I will be calling on them in the future and perhaps more JV’s as well.

All is not lost…

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