Create Your Free WordPress Blog Site in 9 Easy Steps


Create the perfect site for your business, personal brand, event, portfolio, or online store. It’s free and simple.

  1. Go to

2. Click on “Create a Website” Create a free website or blog 2016-04-07 09-54-10

3. Choose a category. This is step 1 of 5.
Step 1

4. In this step, you can choose a sub-category.

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5. Once you have chosen your category, you will need to choose a theme, step 2 of 5.

choose a theme-step 2

6. Now, this is where you can get creative….find a domain. For now, use a free domain. At some point you may want to purchase your own custom domain name, but for now, use the free service.

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7. And finally, you’ll need to pick a plan. Use the free plan for now.

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8. Once you have chosen your plan, you will then need to create your account within WordPress.Create your account

9. You will need to confirm your email address, but once this is complete, you are all set to go. You can edit your theme, create posts and pages.

If you need some assistance in setting this up or would like a more custom site, please feel free to contact me directly for a free 15 minute consultation.

Posted in Tips and Tools for Virtual Assistants Tagged , permalink

About Christine Buffaloe

Christine Buffaloe received her training on-the-job when working as an Executive Assistant for 5 years. Tiring of the commute every day, she took that knowledge and experience and dedicated it to Serenity Virtual Assistant Services. Christine has been a featured guest on webinars and in When she is not working at her computer she enjoys knitting and taking her dogs for hikes. Her other passion is walking marathons and riding her Yamaha V-Star 1100 motorcycle..

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